Adventures in DIY

Even if you aren’t always up-to-date on the latest trends in the home design world, I’ll bet you know that “DIY” and “Upcycling” are big buzzwords right now! With the debut of home organization guru Marie Kondo’s “Tidying Up” show on Netflix earlier this year, the concepts of clearing clutter and repurposing what you have are hotter than ever. I had a fabulous time recently as a guest on the “Upcycling with Deb” podcast hosted by Deb Colameta, an author, consultant, and professor who I am also proud to call my friend! We had a great chat about decor and she has inspired me to reconnect with my love of home organization, upcycling, and DIY projects. Click here to listen.

One of my favorite repurposing projects is actually in my very own home! When we moved in to our 1940s Cape Cod-style home a few years ago, I was taken with many of the charming details of the house—but some were pretty impractical for our modern lifestyle! Take, for example, this ironing board closet in the kitchen:


It definitely was not something I could see being a useful part of my life! Instead of allowing it to be an eyesore in my kitchen, I had a vision and decided to turn it into a something I would use every day…a spice rack!


We removed the door, did some repainting, added shelves and…ta da! The most adorable way to display spices and keep them organized and easy to find while cooking.


My conversation with Deb also reinvigorated my desire to a complete another DIY project I’ve had on the back burner for awhile. (Hey, life happens, right?!?) Another interesting detail of my home is this phone shelf and cabinet (remember the days of landlines?), and I have envisioned us turning it into a charging station for our ultra-modern smartphones!

I’m super excited to get this project wrapped up and move on to another! Is there something in your home you’d like to repurpose but don’t know where to start? I would love to help! Send me a note and we can brainstorm to come up with the perfect DIY solution! Happy upcycling, everyone!